PT Murti Indah Sentosa (MIST) has participated in PERSI (Perhimpunan Rumah Sakit Seluruh Indonesia) Jawa Tengah Expo 2022. The theme of this event is "Transformasi Menuju RS di Indonesia yang Adaptive, Beretika, dan Kompeten" which was held 25 - 27 August 2022, at Grand Rama, Patra Hotel & Convention, Semarang - Central Java.
Murti Indah Sentosa's booth at the event displayed PACS, USG (Youkey and Viamo), LympaTouch, and Enraf Nonius. This Exhibition is also attended by Sales & Product Support representatives from each Business Unit alternately every day and visited by a total of 100 users.
Here are some pictures that were taken from our booth.