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Marketing Murti Indah Sentosa

EVENT REVIEW: PT Murti Indah Sentosa Company Gathering in Ungaran, Central Java

Updated: May 30, 2022

On the 17th-19th of January 2020, PT Murti Indah Sentosa held a company gathering at Ungaran, Semarang, Central Java. The gathering is filled with fun activities and exercises to train cohesiveness, communication, knowledge and collaboration between people.

The main event was held on the evening of January 18, 2020, which began with a gala dinner and hospitality as well as several performances from all employees. Everybody dressed in 80's dress code to evoke the spirit of the company founding in 1982. Full of energy and colors.

PT Murti Indah Sentosa also showed appreciation to outstanding employees and teams that have contributed positively to the company's performance in 2020.

This gathering activity aims to strengthen relations between employees and provide motivation at the beginning of the year for hitting top speed performance in 2020.


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