APSCVIR 2019 (Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology) was held at Bali International Covention Center (BICC) Nusa dua on February 21st-24th.
APSCVIR is an international organization of interventional radiologist and individuals in related fields to improve the level of clinical practice and research of cardiovascular & interventional Radiology in the Asia Pacific Region. the theme this year is "Art Innovation Beyond Limit".

Murti Indah Sentosa and Canon Medical had the opportunity to participated on APSCVIR on booth No. 25, as we display our superior technology such as: Vital Imaging Vitrea Advanced Visualization.
Vitrea sotware is a multi-modality advanced visualization system providing comprehensive clinical applications in variety of IT environments.
Canon Medical System also join as a Prestige Sponsor, and participated on Lunch Symposium. they had an Educational Session focusing on Angio-CT. The Chair was Prof. Tan Bien Soo, Speaker 1 Prof Afshin Gangi, Md, PhD Professor of Radiology and speaker 2 Prof Yasuaki Arai, MD, FSIR,FCIRSE executive adviser to president, National Cancer Center.

Thank You for those who came to our booth and will see you on the next event!