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Marketing Murti Indah Sentosa

PRODUCT UPDATE: VISUS again received the coveted Best in KLAS Award for 2021

VISUS is once again given top marks by users. While access to many services was limited during the crisis, the performance of VISUS and the JiveX Enterprise PACS was above average even during pandemic times- which is why VISUS again received the coveted Best in KLAS Award for 2021.

The award is based on user surveys and is also rather special in that it not only rates software performance per se but in particular, judges the company's relationship with its customers. Aspects such as the corporate culture, the embodied values, and daily cooperation are rated on an equal footing with the purely product-related aspects.

How do vendor solutions compare?

In Europe Category, VISUS was able to set high scores in all areas, even in times of the pandemic and under aggravating lockdown conditions, with a total point of 91.3 out of 100, with the average score being 84.3.

For the source, click here. For further information and access to the report, click here.

Congratulations VISUS for receiving Best in Klas Award. Murti Indah Sentosa is pleased to represent VISUS PACS products in Indonesia!✨


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